This service is perfect for therapists that are currently licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, that do not require supervision. If you are newly licensed and are not quite ready to be on your own in private practice, then this package is ideal for you! Not only will you receive continued support of a licensed psychotherapist that has over 20 years of experience in the mental health and social services field, but you will have the opportunity to work within a beautifully designed private practice while you build up your clientele and not have the burden of the enormous overhead cost that comes along with managing and operating a private practice.
Working With Abbi
The goals of supervision are to monitor client welfare, complete licensure requirements, and provide growth opportunities for the supervisee to become a competent and independent practitioner after licensure. An on-going assessment of strengths and limitations will be provided to ensure practice according to sound theory, ethical, legal, and administrative regulations. The supervisor will help the supervisee develop clinical assessment and treatment skills, review therapeutic techniques, explore treatment options, and address dilemmas created by conflicting demands.
VIP Mentorship
At Private Practice for Brown Girls, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their professional goals. Our mentorship program has been intentionally curated to provide a full package of all your needs in order to be the best private practice therapist. From navigating the business side of things to enhancing your clinical skills, our program has everything you need. We are committed to guiding you through your journey and providing you with the support necessary for a successful career.
Frequency And Duration
Per Texas Administrative Code, Rule 681.92 (e), the supervisee will receive direct supervision consisting of a minimum of four (4) hours per month of supervision in individual (up to two Associates) or group (three or more) settings while the LPC Associate is engaged in counseling unless an extended leave of one month or more is approved in writing by the board approved supervisor. No more than 50% of the total hours of supervision may be received in group supervision.
● One hour of individual supervision shall be conducted weekly with the supervisee.
● In the event that more than one supervisee is under agreement with the supervisor, sessions may be provided in group format, alternating weekly between individual and group sessions, with at least half of the total supervision hours provided in the individual (1:1) format.
The group will consist of no more than eight (8) supervisees.
Supervision shall occur on a set and agreed upon schedule. The supervisor may be available between scheduled sessions, as needed, for phone consultation during regular business hours (M – F, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm). Supervisor will be available after hours for emergent situations via phone only (Do not email or text for emergent situations). Supervisor will provide a cell and email to LPC-Associates once contracts for supervision have been signed.
Social Media
Supervisees who choose to use social media will take precautions, be mindful, and remain in compliance with all relevant ethical, professional, and legal responsibilities, in addition to policies and guidelines in Texas. Supervisees will maintain separate personal and professional accounts that will not be affiliated in any manner with supervisor, said practice, and all professionally related business ventures associated with it. Supervisor will provide supervisee with complete social media policy in a separate document.
The provision of supervision via technology will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and only through HIPAA compliant software. Training in utilizing such software in supervision will be offered if needed. In the event that the supervisee will be traveling on vacation and/or scheduled work-related events, the supervisee will be required to notify the supervisor in advance via writing.